About Me

Passionate Computer Engineer interested in being part of companies or communities with solutions based in Free and Open Source Software, providing my skills as a developer and system administrator to generate excellent results, obtaining experience to be a better professional and human being.


SkySolutions - IoT developer

July 2019 - Present

In the last months, I’ve been working in the development of an autonomous drone that obtains topographic maps of a specic area. For this task, I’ve been developing a program written in Python that controls the y missions and the obtaining of the pictures.

Raspberry Pi / Raspbian / Python

Bitwise Integrated Technologies - IoT developer

June 2018 - July 2019

I participated in the development of an IoT device for the agriculture industry, where my main function was to create the communication between the device and the server and the behavior of the device with its hardware elements. I achieved this work creating a minimum GNU/Linux OS. This OS contained services of systemd that I programmed in C language for manage of MQTT protocol.

Raspberry Pi / Debootstrap / C

UCA Consejos Académicos de Área, UNAM - Sysadmin

March 2016 - June 2018

At the beginning of my work, I set up the servers in dierent areas of the company (network servers, web servers, database servers) to improve the network performance and its monitoring. After that, I was the Systems Administrator of these servers.

GNU/Linux / LXC / Docker

SOFTCERT - C Developer

July 2014 - Maarch 2015

I was in charge of the servers that make the administration of gas stations. My function was to create commands that calculated liquid dispatched and made backups in the database. At the end of the day, they sent the sales numbers to PEMEX servers. I programmed the commands in C language paying attention to the security of the servers and its corresponding regulations.

GNU/Linux / C


Linux on Embedded Systems / Diploma

Facultad de Ingeniería, UNAM


Computer Engineering / Bachelor’s Degree

Facultad de Ingeniería, UNAM

2006 - 2012